
Saturday, December 9, 2017

I'm back...

Life became extremely busy and I dropped off the blog cliff. But, I'm back and halfway through law school! I thought it would be fitting to share some of the tidbits that have helped me navigate law school thus far.

Time Blocking

I have found myself with an abnormal amount of commitments and it's essential that I block my time and plan well. First, I have a master template for each week that includes what I will accomplish each day of the week. For example, every Sunday, I read and prepare for Monday and Tuesday. Each Thursday afternoon I have time blocked out to create my template for the coming week. I take from the syllabus each days reading and create my weekly schedule. It's magical.

Daily To Do Lists

I love to do lists. Like live for them! However, I often create a huge to do list that seems never ending that keeps me from ever stopping and relaxing. So, I create a to do list for everyday of the week that is realistic for that particular day. Last semester, my Tuesdays were nuts and I literally had no extra time between class, work, and family. Tuesdays to do list was light and doable! When I complete my list for the day I feel free to take a hot bath or listen to one of my beloved audio books that I'm currently listening to.

Crazy Sticky Notes

I often feel inadequate and like nobody is getting the best of me. My solution to this is semi-psycho sticky notes on my bathroom mirror. Each sticky note says a role that I play like mom, wife, employee, research assistant, friend, sister...and the list goes on. Each morning while I'm getting ready for the day, I pick one to focus on. Nothing huge but just something to invest in that role. Some mornings I send a quick text to my sister wishing her a great day with some fun emojis. Other mornings I choose to slip a note on a napkin in my kids lunch. It just helps to balance all the important things that seem to naturally fall to the side when life is full.

Choose Positive...every damn day!

Getting to go to law school is a huge privilege and honor. At the end of the day, complaining doesn't help anything, a waste of valuable energy, and is just plain annoying. I'm not suggesting that there aren't times when bursting into tears or venting isn't warranted (or necessary) but not as often as you carry heavy case books, try to look amazing with way too much dry shampoo, or being the positive one with grace and sass.

I can't wait to share with you my favorite meals and tricks from meal planning Sundays!

Stay Spunky! xxx